Sassy Lass Entertainment Company Entertainment

About Sassy Lass Entertainment Company

Founded by James McCann when he was just 21 years old, Sassy Lass started its days as an old-style "tease" show back when nudity in public was illegal. With an intense lobbying effort, McCann got the law repealed and Sassy Lass began scaling into other avenues.

In 2011, Sassy Lass launched an events series: OBJECT-X, OBJECT-J, OBJECT-CZ and OBJECT-YQ. Each event series explored the objectification of different sexes. Following from that was the creation of the OBJECT-JUX event which featured the combination of human objects with non-human objects.

Prospects are looking good for the company as it has announced the desire to create two brand new clubs: the Lucky Lads Ladies Lounge and the Lucky Ladies Lads Lounge.


  • Current Market Price: $ 29.29
  • IPO Price: $ 25.00
  • Shares Issued: 45,689,131
  • Market Capitalization: $ 1,338,198,095.69
  • Executive Officer: Victoria Kazmarazz
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