Shiori & Natsuki Moving Pictures Entertainment

About Shiori & Natsuki Moving Pictures

Shiori & Natsuki Moving Pictures owes its early success to the profits of an international criminal network run by Sam Tanaka.  When Tanaka finally died in an automobile accident in 1999 (after having survived 12 previous auto accidents), his two daughters dissolved their father’s interests in human trafficking, redirected other investments into a blind trust, and dedicated themselves to rehabilitating the family name—by spreading joy throughout the world.  With holdings in cinema production, cruise ships, and recreational drugs, Shiori and Natsuki Tanaka aim to offset the violence and cruelty of the past with a future of laughter, leisure, and exhilaration.


  • Current Market Price: $ 0.02
  • IPO Price: $ 10.00
  • Shares Issued: 605,613,283
  • Market Capitalization: $ 14,353,034.81
  • Executive Officer: Aki and Katsuko Tanaka
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