Cascadia Apparel Consumer Goods

About Cascadia Apparel

Cascadia Apparel is the maker of three popular clothing brands: Mr. Boredom and Ice Queen their twin professional clothing lines, Horny Slut a joint clothing adventure for men and women, and Winter Is Coming providing the most delicious in winter styles. Known for their quality clothing made exclusively in Cascadian sweatshops, the company also boasts some of the most creative advertising campaigns of any company in the CSX.

The company ran into some trouble a few years back with their controversial ad campaign for Mr. Boredom which featured men as sex slaves being beaten by women wearing exclusive Horny Slut collections and begging for more.

Their Winter Is Coming line of outdoor active wear has been promoted since the inception of the brand by a 18-foot-tall Yeti who can be seen in their ads cutting off the heads of freezing men and women wearing clothes by other manufacturers.


  • Current Market Price: $ 176.04
  • IPO Price: $ 50.00
  • Shares Issued: 97,420,401
  • Market Capitalization: $ 17,150,277,073.64
  • Executive Officer: Gillian Ames
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